Pleased birthday, Shatrughan Sinha. The veteran actor turns 78. On the special day, the Bollywood legend bought a particular birthday want from his daughter Sonakshi Sinha. The actress has shared an image along with her dad, which featured the duo twinning in black. Wearing a half jacket, printed shirt and black pants, Shatrughan Sinha is seen hugging Sonakshi. She appears cool in a black shirt with denim denims. The actress added a “Pleased Birthday” sticker to the picture with the textual content, “King Khamosh!!!” referring to Shatrughan Sinha’s well-known dialogue.
Have a look:
Shatrughan Sinha’s good friend Jackie Shroff, with whom he has labored in movies corresponding to Jawab Hum Denge and Yudh, additionally shared a heartfelt birthday want for the actor. Jackie posted an image that includes himself and Shatrughan Sinha on Instagram Tales. The textual content on the image learn, “Pleased Birthday”.
Shatrughan Sinha not too long ago appeared on The Nice Indian Kapil Present along with his spouse Poonam Sinha, their daughter, actress Sonakshi Sinha and her husband Zaheer Iqbal. Throughout a light-hearted dialog, Shatrughan Sinha reminisced concerning the first time he noticed the love of his life. He talked about that he noticed Poonam Sinha on a practice and she or he was crying at the moment. He mentioned, “I noticed her for the primary time on a practice. I used to be on my approach from Patna to the Movie and Tv Institute of India. She had come to Patna to attend a marriage and was at school at the moment. Her household used to name me a cradle-snatcher. She was on the identical practice, and I used to be sitting there. My mates had come to see me off, and so they had been teasing her. I instructed them, ‘Do not do it. I’ll go alone. There shall be a variety of bother on the best way.’” Learn all about it right here
Shatrughan Sinha and Poonam Sinha reportedly bought married in 1980. The couple are mother and father to – Luv, Kush and Sonakshi Sinha.
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